irst Reading: Genesis 2:7-9, 16-18, 25, 3:1-7
Psalm # 51 R Have mercy O Lord, for we have sinned
Second Reading: Romans 5:12-19
Lenten Gospel Acclamation Praise to You, Lord, king of eternal glory!
Verse: Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Gospel: Matthew 4:1-11
Theme: Jesus shows us how to avoid temptation
Commentary by Jane Prini
Is it easy to say “no” to things that are not good for us or others? Is it easy to always be the best version of ourself? Is it easy to obey God? We know that sometimes it can be very difficult.
Our first reading from the book of Genesis, reminds us that we are wonderfully and willfully made by God the Father. He wants the very best for us and wants to spend time with us. So when Adam and Eve hid themselves because they let Satan tempt them into disobeying God, he went looking for them. He searches for us, too, when we disobey him and try to hide.
On this first Sunday of Lent the Gospel describes how Jesus went into the desert after he had been baptized by John, to prepare himself to begin his work/ministry of sharing the Good News of God’s love with the whole world. He went for forty day! It is really hard to find food and water in the dessert. Can you image going for 6 weeks without sufficient food and water, especially when it is very hot? After forty days, he was famished!
The desert traditionally is a place where holy people spend time so, without distractions and noise, they can feel close to God’s presence. Jesus was in the desert so, close to God, he could think about how he could bring the people back to God’s loving ways.
During that time the devil tempted him three times. First, he wanted Jesus to use his power selfishly for his own needs and to satisfy his own hunger. Next, the devil tried to make Jesus test God by rescuing him from harm after jumping off the Temple. Lastly, the devil offered Jesus power and fame throughout the world if he accepted the devil’s evil ways.
Each time, Jesus did not give into the temptations. Instead he repeated words from scripture, from the bible. He told the devil that he would worship only God, and only tell the world that he was the Son of God, as was God’s plan for him. He wanted people to get to know him as a loving teacher and healer living among them, rather than a superhero performing dramatic and impressive feats. Jesus wanted people to follow him because of the faith and love they had for him and his Father in heaven. He wants us to choose to follow him too. We do this when we are loving to others.
Jesus gives us an example of how to resist the devil. He wants us to read the bible so we too can know what God desires for us. It will help us win the battle of temptation. He shows us that his love for God the Father helped him resist the devil’s temptations, and like him, we can do this as well, by obedience to God. We can trust him to lead us to the Father.
Prayer for Families:
Heavenly Father, help us do what Jesus did. Help us do what the Bible tells us to do instead of listening to what the devil wants us to do. Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever, amen.
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