5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, February 5, 2023
First Reading: Isaiah 58:6-10
Psalm #112 R: Light rises in the darkness for the upright
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Gospel Acclamation Verse: I am the eight of the world, says the Lord;
whoever follows me will have the light of life.
Gospel: Matthew 5:13-16
Theme: Let your light shine
Commentary by Jane Prini
Today’s gospel continues from last week. Jesus is still talking to the large crowd gathered to hear him. This is a short reading but packed with meaning and encouragement.
Jesus reminds us that salt which looses its taste is only good for walking on. He says that you are the salt of the earth. What do you suppose that means? At the time of Jesus, salt was considered to be very precious. Did you know that it was used to pay the wages of Roman soldiers? The word ‘salary’ means salt as wages. A good and capable soldier was said to be ‘worth his salt’. Salt was used to preserve food (remember they did not have refrigerators or freezers). Today, we use it to enhance the foods we eat. We also have learned that salt is a good disinfectant and we use it to heal our bodies inside and out.
So when Jesus says we are the ‘salt of the earth’ he is saying that as his disciples, we can help enrich the lives of those around us. We can help them to taste and appreciate God’s love for the world as shared with us through Jesus his Son. Our love and forgiveness for one another can bring healing and new direction to lives hurt by hatred. When we share the love of Jesus, we, like salt, preserve and keep fresh the Good News Jesus revealed to the world.
Jesus continues his teaching by calling himself the Light of the World. A single light can brighten a dark room. As St. Francis of Assisi said; “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle”. As followers of Jesus, we are to be lights shining in the world around us. He wants us to bring people toward the light of Jesus so they too can feel the warmth of God’s love.
Imagine how dull the world would be if our food had no taste and the sun never shone. Each of us can make a difference in the world by joyfully using our talents and abilities to bring life and warmth to the lives of our families, friends and neighbours. But how do we let our light shine or be the salt of the earth?
It is by our kindness, generosity, appreciation, and by being merciful and patient with each other. To practice doing all this even when we might be misunderstood is how we learn to let Jesus’ light shine through us to warm others. Focusing on kindness, for example, can give life to those around us.
Your challenge this week, is to let your light shine. Be that light on the lamp stand and that tasty salt for you family, friends and neighbours. Let the light of Jesus shine through you by your kindness. It is what makes our friendships rich, warm and worth working for.
Prayer for Families:
Heavenly Father, as children of the light, may we shine in the darkness and chase away the shadows of fear, loneliness and hatred in our world today. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. AMEN.
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