First Reading: Sirach 15:15-20
Psalm # 119 R: Blessed are those who walk in the law of the Lord
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:6-10
Gospel Acclamation Verse: Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to
little ones the mysteries of the kingdom.
Gospel: Matthew 5:17-37
Theme: Commandments, laws and rules are to help us to love everyone like God loves
Commentary by Jane Prini
Do you have rules at home or at school? Are they easy to follow and obey? Do you agree with all of them? Why do you suppose we even have rules, commandments and laws?
In the Old Testament, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and many other rules to help the Israelites to know how he wanted them to live and love. Some of the rules were meant to keep them healthy, others were to remind them how to love others and to live every day in a way that pleased God and kept them close to his love. Jesus came to complete and deepen the understanding of the commandments that they already had, and to show them, by example, how to love and how to live. He challenged people (and so us), to follow a different set of values that would change their/our friendship with God for the better, for ever. At the time of Jesus, people like the scribes and Pharisees, were very strict about obeying and carrying out the Jewish laws and commandments. Sometimes they were so focused on making sure all of them were followed they forgot how to love God and one other. Jesus does not want us to be like them. For example, they would let their observance of the Sabbath as a day of rest, stop them from helping someone in need, and were shocked that Jesus healed people and performed miracles on the Sabbath day. They could not see that Jesus was pleasing God.
Just as the Israelites needed rules and laws to help them live peacefully, we need them too. Some keep us safe (wearing seatbelts), some encourage us to treat other people and their belongings with respect (do not steal), others are there to bring order to our lives instead of chaos (highway rules). Without rules, and laws, our society would soon fall to pieces. In the same way, without God’s rules our loving relationships with him would soon fall to pieces. Today we are reminded of many rules. Jesus says it is important to try to follow and obey them, but not to loose sight of why they are there….to love God and each other. All the commandments are based on these two great ideals.
Jesus also wants us to be people of peace and forgiveness. We are not to be angry with each other. Our efforts and offerings to God mean nothing when we do not love. He reminds us that we must forgive each other and work together. God wants us to love each other as much as he loves us. How many times a day does God forgive you? We also must forgive those who hurt or upset us. He helps us to do that by giving us holy scripture, the Church teachings and sacraments, and his Holy Spirit to guide us. Choosing to love others who we can see, shows God, who we cannot see, that we are grateful for his love of us and that we want to be loving to others so they too, can know and love him.
May you choose to love, even when it is hard, because you are grateful that God wants the very best especially for you.
Prayer for Families: Loving Father, help us to love you more and grow in our love for one another. Let each day bring us closer to your heavenly kingdom. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen
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