First Reading: Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18
Psalm # 103 R: The Lord is merciful and gracious
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:16-23
Gospel Acclamation Verse: Whoever obeys the word of Christ, grows perfect in the love of God.
Gospel: Matthew 5:38-48
Theme: Four ways to follow Jesus and grow perfect in the love of God
Commentary By Jane Prini
Do you find it easy to forgive the mistakes that others make? Is is easy to be kind and thoughtful to those who are selfish and mean to you? Is it easy to share your favourite game, toy or fashion accessory? Do you find it hard to be nice to those who don’t like you?
In Matthew’s Gospel today, Jesus teaches four ways that he wants us to act so we can grow perfect in the love of God. He explains what it means to ‘love our neighbour as ourselves’. When we try to follow even one of these, we have a very good day. They show others that even though we may not agree with what they say or do, we see them as loved children of God, as our brothers and sisters. We become the hands, feet and voices of Jesus today.
The first way is to turn the other cheek. Wait, What? Yup, that’s what Jesus asks us, and Jesus knows how hard this is because this is how he lived. So if someone hurts us, we are to respond in a loving way, not with violence. He wants us to respond with kindness, gentleness and compassion.
The second way is to be generous when others ask you for things. Not only this but to give them more than they asked for. This is God’s way. An example of this might be a classmate who you notice is without a lunch and shivering. You offer a part of your lunch and an extra sweater you had not yet brought home. They did not actually ask, but you saw a need. This is a holy moment. God is pleased. You took notice of someone else’s need and you did something about it. Maybe others noticed as well and might do the same for another.
The third way is to pray for those who are cruel to you. Or what about that person who knows exactly how to get you upset, every time? Write down their name and pray for them by name. Ask Jesus to bless them and their day. Or maybe for one day, anytime someone says something or does something that frustrates you, pray for them, by name. Ask Jesus to bless them. Jesus asked the Father to forgive those who nailed him to the cross. We can forgive those who injure us too.
The last way is to love those who do not love you. Woo. Is there someone who drives you nuts? Not that they are a terrible person, just that your personalities go against each other like a nail on a chalkboard. Be over the top generous to this person for one full day and watch how the day gets better.
How did our world get in the mess it is in? We are in this mess because we have turned our backs on the teachings of Jesus. We got this way by unholy moments every day. But there is hope. We can change things, one holy moment at a time. One small act of forgiveness or kindness can indirectly affect the lives of many. The waves of love and friendship that result from a special holy moment of forgiveness encourages others to do the same. We can choose to say yes to working with Jesus by following even one of his teachings from today’s gospel.
Prayer for Families: Heavenly Father, help us to forgive the unforgiving, to love our enemies, and to deepen our friendship with you and one another. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. AMEN
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